One step closer to ITALY Digital Nomad Visa for Remote Workers

Italian Digital Nomad Visa was signed into law at the end of March, but what does that mean, and can we really expect it, as Italian MP Luca Carabetta said, the visa to be available by the summer of this year?


Why Is the Italian Digital Nomad Visa a big deal?

If you have ever dreamed about working remotely from Itay for longer than 90 days allowed on a Schengen Visa, today, you are one step closer to that dream. The details of the Remote Visa/Permit are yet to be announced, but on March 28th, 2022, the Digital Nomad Visa was approved and signed into law. This means that after months of speculation, we finally know that the visa will become a reality! Let’s dive in and see what we know about it so far and how well it would score on our Global Nomad Index.

What do we know so far about Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa proposal?

So far we know that Italy Digital Nomad Visa will be a one-year, renewable visa for freelancers or employees of companies based outside Italy. It will be a high-skilled visa aimed at non-EU nationals wanting to move to the country “who carry out highly qualified work activities through the use of technological tools that allow them to work remotely, autonomously or for a company that is not resident in the territory of the Italian state.”

As reported by Il Sole 24 Ore, an Italian business newspaper, the health insurance and the minimum income requirement will need to be met, but so far, it hasn’t been specified. There will be no limit on the number of permits they’ll issue annually.

This is, however, everything that we know so far. The detailed requirements, the process, and the fees are still unknown.

Non-EU vs Europeans

While it is possible for many non-EU nationals to spend up to 90 days in Italy without a visa, those wishing to work legally while here must apply for a visa and work permit before they move. The potential Digital Nomad Visa could solve that.

What about EU residents who want to move to Italy? Well, under EU law, there are no visa requirements for EU citizens moving to Italy for work purposes. You only need to register your presence in Italy if you want to stay here for longer than 3 months.

What about Taxes?

It is yet unclear if there will be any tax exemptions for non-EU nationals who will apply for the visa. However, it is very unlikely. Any EU nationals who move he for longer than 3 months will also need to consider that they might become tax residents of Italy and therefore have to pay taxes here.

Existing Italian Visas

Italy has other visas available, but they are usually not very easy to get. The Self-employment Visa has a max quota that, in the current and previous years, was only 500 permits. To get the Intra-company Visa, you need to be sponsored by your company, which can cost the company at least €20,000 in order to show its credentials and to pay taxes. 

Sources: Il Sole 24 Ore, The Local.

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Want to learn more?

You cannot apply for the visa just yet, but we have some information that can help you prepare for when it becomes available:

Who is define as Digital Nomad?

The Decree-Law n. 4/2022 (Sostegni ter) legally defines a digital nomad as a worker from a country outside the European Union who perform “highly professional and digital” tasks.
They “are citizens of a third country who carry out highly qualified work activities through the use of technological tools that allow them to work remotely, autonomously or for a company that is not resident in the territory of the Italian State. 
For these subjects, if they carry out their activity in Italy, no work permit is required and the residence permit, upon acquisition of an entry visa, is issued for a period not exceeding one year, provided that the holder has the availability of health insurance, to cover all risks in the national territory, and that the fiscal and contributory provisions in force in the national law are respected.”


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