At Global Nomad Guide, we take our role seriously and put a lot of effort into assuring that all the information about Remote Work Visas is reliable and accurate.
We go straight to the source and verify the visa & tax info with the local immigration office or other governmental body.
We care a lot about providing the most up-to-date, comprehensive data about each of the Digital Nomad Visas as well as other aspects of the location-independent lifestyle. If anything is unclear, we don’t shy away, we go straight to the source and verify all the visa and tax info directly with people who have created them; the local Immigration Officers, Governmental Tax Agencies, Tourist Boards, and many others.
Global Nomad Guide equals verified, solid and trustworthy info.
We walk the extra mile
What is our process?
Global Mobility Specialist procures all the relevant information & presents it in an accessible way.
If anything is unclear or if there are any unswered questions, we go straight to the source and verify the visa and tax info directly with people who have created them; the local Immigration Officers, Governmental Tax Agencies, Tourist Boards, and many others.
We complie and Quality Controll all the info again and set it life!
This process makes the info on our site comprehensive and trustworthy. We hope it will help you efficiently review and compare various details of each of the remote visas and make it easy to pick your next destination.
Every week we add more information and new visas! This brings us closer to our goal, which is to create the most unique and comprehensive list of all available Remote Work Visas and Residency programs out there!

Which Visas do we verify?
We request info and ask for feedback from every single country that provides the digital nomad visa! We have reached out to all of the offices and departments responsible for creating digital nomad visa programs. Whenever the local immigration office has responded and answered additional questions we’ve sent them, we will have the verified badge on the visa page. You can also see them listed at the bottom of the Digital Nomad Visa page and below.
We reach out to every single country!

What if a country doesn’t respond?
We make all the effort possible to get in touch with the country in question; however, sometimes, we do not hear back from them for weeks or not at all. In those rare cases, we reach out to trusted local tax or immigration experts and verify the info with them. When that happens, you will see the Verified by Local Tax/ Immigration Expert icon.
Please note that even though we do our very best to verify all the content, Global Nomad Guide is here to give you an overview of what’s available. The information we provide should not be considered as a legal opinion, tax, or financial advice. You should always seek expert advice. If you want to receive a legal opinion or tax advice please contact us and we will refer you to a legal practitioner.
Also, we are only humans so if you see that anything is missing or if there is a new visa that we haven’t covered yet? Let us know and we will add it in ASAP!
If you belong to a tourist organization, or other governmental body responsible for your country’s Remote Work Program, and would like to have it featured on the Global Nomad Guide, please reach out to us via chat or contact form.
Last updated July 17, 2023.
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