80,000 HOURS
Tackling World’s Problems

Find An Impactful Career

You have 80,000 hours in your career so instead of working on things that you don’t care about, pick a job or a career that gives you the best opportunity to have a positive impact on the world.

80,000 hours is an initiative by Effective Altruism, which is a philosophy and a community focused on maximizing the good you can do through your career, projects, and donations. All their works are based on 10 years of research alongside academics at Oxford so you can also find there a lot of other information and guides on how to find a high-impact career and compare your options in terms of impact. It’s a nonprofit, so everything they provide is free.

GNG Founder Personal Recommendation

80,000 Hours is the Job Board that Anna, the Founder of GNG used to find an impactful Remote Job. She worked there for over 3 years, loved it, learned a lot, and helped bring Mobile Money to Africa.

The 80,000 hours is not a Remote Jobs specific job site, but a lot of the jobs they feature can be done remotely. You can specify that in the Filters > Location: Remote US only, Remote UK only, Remote Global.

There are is not many filters to use; you can only search using: Problem area (11 different categories), Job requirements (Academic Degree & Years of Experience), and Role type: Assistant, Engineer, Internship, Leadership, Manager, Operations, Outreach, Policy, Research and Other.

Let us know below what YOU think about the 80,000 hours

  • Great way to find an impactful job that can be done remotely.
  • Clear on Remote Country-Specific vs. Anywhere.
  • Updated Regularly.
  • Not specific to Remote Work.
  • Not many ways to filter the results.
  • Only some listings show Salary $$$.

Find your next Remote Job which tackles the world’s most pressing problems.

80000 hours
6.8 Total Score
Perfect to find a Remote Job with a meaning!

80,000 Hours is perfect if you want to make the most positive impact, but it's not specific for Remote Jobs. That said our Founder

Job Variety
Salary Visibility
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